15 Things to Avoid If You Want to Grow
Growing and evolving in life is a wonderful journey that we all want to experience.
It's a bit like planting a tiny seed and then caring for it so it can grow into a strong and magnificent tree.
But as we move forward, there are some catches we should be aware of if we want to continue flourishing in both our personal and professional lives.
00:00 - Intro
00:47 - Settling for less
02:21 - Not believing in your powers
03:39 - Easily getting distracted
04:42 - Comparing yourself to others
05:51 - Staying in your comfort zone
06:51 - Being undisciplined
07:53 - Not taking responsibility for your actions
08:55 - Focusing on the past
10:00 - Not thinking critically
10:49 - Being Involved in toxic relationships
11:51 - Following others without knowing their worth
13:11 - Negative thinking
14:08 - Complaining and not taking action
15:25 - Not focusing on creativity
16:09 - Living to please others
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www.Alux.com is the largest community of Luxury & Fine Living enthusiasts in the World. Alux a world-wide recognized Authority when it comes to ranking the most expensive things in the world and frequently referenced in publications such as Forbes, USATod...