Allen Downey | Probably Overthinking It | Talks at Google
Professor, computer scientist and author, Allen Downey, discusses his book “Probably Overthinking It: How to Use Data to Answer Questions, Avoid Statistical Traps, and Make Better Decisions,” an essential guide to the ways data can improve decision making.
By using data visualizations instead of equations, he builds understanding from the basics to help you recognize errors, whether in your own thinking or in media reports. Even if you have never studied statistics—or if you have and forgot everything you learned—this book will offer new insight into the methods and measurements that help us understand the world.
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Allen Downey is a professor emeritus at Olin College and the author of several books – including Think Python, Think Bayes, and Probably Overthinking It – and a blog about programming and data science. He is a consultant and instructor specializing in Bayesian statistics. He received a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of California, Berkeley, and Bachelor's and Master’s degrees from MIT. In 2009, he was a Visiting Scientist at Google.
Moderated by Jason Glasgow.
Talks at Google
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