Jim Kwik | Limitless | Talks at Google
Author Jim Kwik discusses his book Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life, an owner's manual for mental expansion and brain fitness.
Limitless gives people the ability to accomplish more—more productivity, more transformation, more personal success and business achievement—by changing their Mindset, Motivation and Methods.
Get the book here: https://goo.gle/3Zt3SNj
For more information on Jim, please visit https://join.kwikbrain.com/.
Check out the Kwik Brain podcast: https://www.jimkwik.com/podcast/
Jim Kwik is a widely recognized world expert in brain performance, mental fitness and memory improvement. After a childhood brain injury left him with learning challenges, Kwik created strategies to dramatically enhance his cognitive performance. He has since dedicated his life to helping others unleash their true genius and brainpower. He is Founder of Kwik Learning, the premiere online accelerated learning academy with students in 195 countries. His clients include Google, Virgin, Nike, Zappos, WordPress, Cleveland Clinic, U.S. Air Force, Caltech, Harvard and Singularity University. He is the host of the acclaimed Kwik Brain podcast, which is consistently the top educational training show on iTunes with tens of millions of downloads.
Moderated by Kelly Schaefer.
Talks at Google
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