15 Powerful Books That Make You Smarter
You come home from work, you make yourself a delicious dinner, and then you are left with an entire evening that you can spend as you might like.
However, how you spend that evening can either leave you with some hours wasted on small and unimportant things or with new things learned that will make you smarter.
What do you choose?
00:00 - Thinking, Fast and Slow
00:37 - Atomic Habits
01:48 - A Brief History of Time
02:58 - Sapiens
04:06 - The Power of Habit
05:10 - Made to Stick
06:07 - Brief Answers to Big Questions
07:14 - Astrophysics for People in a Hurry
08:15 - Effortless
09:08 - Mindset
10:09 - This Is Your Brain on Music
11:13 - What If?
12:06 - Where Good Ideas Come From
12:54 - A Short History of Nearly Everything
13:52 - The Art of War
Get Rich Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP35LyTOQVIsxb5Mf-Pr1xHJMZPtdIX8q
Take Action Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP35LyTOQVIuhLj_V6ThqHhVN52kozybm
All Sunday Motivational Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP35LyTOQVItYEFKYW1WdjcHFuXt0s5h-
Book Club: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP35LyTOQVIvGYVKBE8qEwmP-S_Z7i0lL
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www.Alux.com is the largest community of Luxury & Fine Living enthusiasts in the World. Alux a world-wide recognized Authority when it comes to ranking the most expensive things in the world and frequently referenced in publications such as Forbes, USATod...