Things That Change When You Dress Up, Pt. 3
Dress better, and these things are likely to happen:
21. Some may think you're more arrogant, but if you're friendly, you can quickly show them otherwise.
22. Moths become your enemy.
23. Suits and shirts that you always thought fit properly, suddenly feel like an ill-fitting potato sack.
24. You become interested in closets and their size.
25. You analyze other people's style, and you smile when you see them wearing a real ancient madder silk tie, peccary gloves, or double-sided scarves.
26. You realize your body is asymmetrical. Your right shoulder is a tad lower than your left one, your right thigh is slimmer than your left...
27. You start to see the scourge of oversized jacket armholes everywhere.
28. You start wearing a tie to work.
29. You can iron a shirt better than anyone.
30. You buy your first knit tie.
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Gentleman's Gazette
We help men to look their best and cover all things related to gentlemen. The GENTLEMAN'S GAZETTE is an ONLINE MAGAZINE & SHOP for classic men's clothing, luxurious accessories, craftsmanship, men's style, and savoir vivre. On this channel you will fin...