Dress Better in Your 20s (with Classic Style)!
How to dress better (the classic style way) in your 20s!
1. Invest in Well-Fitting Basics
Focus on a wardrobe with a selection of pants, shirts, jackets, and sweaters that are interchangeable and that you feel good in.
2. Think Smart Casual
Dark jeans in a straight cut, chinos, polos or plain white t-shirts, and preppy button-ups are great options for a relaxed yet refined look.
3. Simple Suits
A quality suit is a must-have in every man's wardrobe; make it dark navy or charcoal gray for occasions including job interviews and weddings--but steer clear of black, so you can also wear the jacket and pants as separates.
4. Solid Shoes
A pair each of black and brown Goodyear-welted oxfords will cover most of your needs and will last years. Supplement these with loafers for casual, relaxed looks.
5. Minimal & Classic Accessories
Consider things like a well-proportioned, reasonably priced watch, a quality leather belt, and a stylish pair of sunglasses. Don't forget a timeless pocket square for your jacket!
For more information, consult our full-length video!
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Gentleman's Gazette
We help men to look their best and cover all things related to gentlemen. The GENTLEMAN'S GAZETTE is an ONLINE MAGAZINE & SHOP for classic men's clothing, luxurious accessories, craftsmanship, men's style, and savoir vivre. On this channel you will fin...