"Old Money" Wardrobe Essentials
Want to have a fool-proof “old money” style? Here are our suggestions!
→ Gold Benedict Belt Buckle: https://gentl.mn/benedict-gold
→ White Linen Pocket Square: https://gentl.mn/whitelinen-pocketsquare
→ The Preppy Style & Clothes Primer: https://gentl.mn/preppy-style-primer-01
→ Things That Are Better The Old Fashioned Way: https://gentl.mn/things-better-old-fashioned
Here's how to make your style more old money:
→ A pair of smart loafers or monk straps for dressier occasions.
→ Ditch skinny jeans and sweatpants for classic trousers.
→ Higher rise and straight fit for perfect pleats.
→ An elegant leather belt
→ A well-cut OCBD in white
→ Knitted or regular polo shirts when dressing down.
→ Collegiate-style knitwear
→ Top everything off with a tailored jacket. A navy blazer is an old-money must-have but tweed or linen jackets are equally welcome
→ Add a few accessories such as a white linen pocket square, knit tie, and a spritz of quality scent
#oldmoney #notsponsored #shorts
Gentleman's Gazette
We help men to look their best and cover all things related to gentlemen. The GENTLEMAN'S GAZETTE is an ONLINE MAGAZINE & SHOP for classic men's clothing, luxurious accessories, craftsmanship, men's style, and savoir vivre. On this channel you will fin...